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Town Council Regular Meeting Minutes 5/17/2010


Minutes Page 1  May 17, 2010

TOWN COUNCIL – Regular Meeting
Council Chambers – South Windsor Town Hall

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Pelkey called the Regular Meeting to order at 8:00 p.m.

4.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor John Pelkey
        Deputy Mayor Edward Havens
        Councillor Gary Bazzano (arrived at 8:13 p.m.)
        Councillor Thomas Delnicki
        Councillor Janice Favreau
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Kevin McCann
        Councillor Cary Prague
        Councillor Keith Yagaloff

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager

Following the Roll Call, Mr. Michael Gantick, Director of Public Works came forward to present awards in the categories of Business Partners (Sudden Service), Citizens (Boy Scouts from Troops 62, 186, 390 and 880) and a Town Employee who received the Rich Boudreault award (Judy Hall, Director of Human Resources) as part of the National Public Works Week.

Mayor Pelkey then presented a proclamation to Friends In Service Here (FISH) for their 40th Anniversary.

5.      Public Input


6.      Environmental Health & Safety Message



7.      Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings

        BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby approves the Minutes of the following Town Council Meetings:  Work Session of May 3, 2010; Regular Meeting of May 3, 2010; Public Hearings of April 26, 2010 (2) and May 3, 2010; and Special Meeting of May 10, 2010.

Was made by Councillor Bazzano
Seconded by Councillor Delnicki
The motion was approved, unanimously

8.      Public Petitions


9.      Communications from Officers and Boards Directly Responsible to Council

Mr. Craig Zimmerman of 5A Amato Drive came before the Town Council on behalf of the Park & Recreation Commission.  Mr. Zimmerman stated that the Park & Recreation Commission is concerned about the potential changes to this year’s town budget, specifically related to asking the Recreation Services Users in South Windsor to pay an additional administrative surcharge for participating in Recreation Activities and Programs for this coming year.  Mr. Zimmerman then read a letter into the record from the Members of the Park & Recreation Commission, (Exhibit A).

10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager

Town Manager Galligan reported on the following items:

  • Mr. Galligan reminded the Town Council that he would be on vacation May 17th through the 21st.
  • A Capital Policy has been drafted.
  • In the process of setting up Shared Services meetings in June with the Board of Education.
Mr. Galligan then stated that in order to do shared services with the Board of Education there needs to be trust between the two bodies.  The Board of Education just announced that there is a large surplus on their side of the budget.  Mr. Galligan feels that money should be put back into the general fund of the town.


10.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager (Continued)

It is a poor fiscal policy to start paying for future bills.  The Board of Education should be letting the Town Manager know there is a surplus in their budget prior to the budget for the Board of Education being approved.  After this budget is complete, Mr. Galligan suggested that a Budget Committee be formed to start looking at priority driven budgets.

Answering questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan felt that a letter to the Board of Education is warranted which would discuss the surplus.

Council members discussed in length the surplus that the Board of Education has found.  It was the consensus of the Town Council that this surplus should be given back to the town’s general fund.  

Councillor Hale suggested that the Town Council discuss putting a resolution together to have a standing FOI request to the Board of Education.  The Town Council should also request regular official financial reports in order to see this type of situation happening.

11.     Reports from Standing Committees

Mayor Pelkey informed the Council that any ideas or thoughts regarding definitions for capital should be sent to Vanessa Perry in the Town Manager’s Office.

12.     Reports of Temporary Committees


13.     Communications and Petitions from Council

Councillor McCann read into the record the listing of South Windsor residents who have served, or are currently serving, in either “Operation Iraqi Freedom” or “Operation Nobel Eagle” or are serving in the military in support of our country.

Councillor Favreau informed the Council and public that Congress has established a National Moment of Remembering on May 31, 2010 at 3:00 p.m. where Americans are being asked to pause for a moment in an act of national unity to remember all those that serve or have served their country.


14.     Public Participation

Mr. Don Gonsalves, 40 Bayberry Trail stated that the Board of Education needs to communicate with the Town Council.  A surplus is found every year in the Board of Educations budget and should not be a shock to the Town Council.  The only way the Town Council will be able to tell how the Board of Education is doing financially is with a calendarized budget.  Mr. Gonsalves stated that he does not want to hear about optimistic revenue projects tonight and does not want the fund balance used to balance the budget because the fund balance will be necessary for future use.

Mr. Larry Torff, 521 Quarry Brook Drive came forward and expressed his disappointment on how this Town Council managed the budget process this year.  The Town Manager presented his budget on March 22, 2010, and since then no one has heard any specifics regarding the budget.  In the next hour, the Town Council is going to make changes to the Town Manager’s budget without giving residents the chance to understand and respond to those changes.  The budget process South Windsor has is the reason why many communities have budget referendums.  Mr. Torff stated that he does not want to see the Town Council take funds from the Road Resurfacing referendum to do ordinary road resurfacing or from the fund balance.  Mr. Torff requested that the Town Council take a hard look at lowering the cost of providing services and makes hard decisions by identifying lower value added services that can be eliminated or curtailed to mitigate the decline in revenue.

At 9:03 Deputy Mayor Havens made a motion to take a short recess.  Councillor Delnicki seconded motion; and it was approved, unanimously.

The meeting reconvened at 9:13 p.m.

15.     Consent Agenda


16.     Unfinished Business



17.     New Business

  • Resolution Adopting the General Government Budget for Fiscal Year 2010/2011
BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council adopts a General Government Budget with expenditures totaling $32,573,700, for the Fiscal Year commencing on July 1, 2010 and terminating on June 30, 2011, a copy of which Budget is on file in the Office of the Town Clerk.

Was made by Mayor Pelkey
Seconded by Councillor Hale

Mayor Pelkey reviewed how this budget was established (Exhibit B) and also read into the record a letter from Connecticut Studios which was a tool used in the decision making of the budget (Exhibit C).

Councillor Hale stated that she would be supporting this budget which has kept the tax increase to 1.8%.

Councillor Prague expressed concern regarding this budget of using fund balance and the budget seems to use a lot of “hope” in order to be successful.  

Councillor Yagaloff felt that the Council has to provide basic services to residents and feels this is a fair budget.

Councillor McCann felt that there were missed opportunities this year by replacing the Assistant Town Clerk position and the Zoning Enforcement Officer.  These positions should not have been replaced in order to save money for the town this year.  It is not wise or prudent to reduce the fund balance by $800,000.  Councillor McCann stated he would not be supporting this budget due to the revenue projections.


17.     A.      (Continued)

Councillor Bazzano stated that the revenues are not a sure things and taking $800,000 from the fund balances is worrisome also because the Town Council is always told that the fund balance should be built up.  Councillor Bazzano then requested an explanation of the reduction of the Recreation Administrative Fees/Fund Balance and would this increase fees?  Mayor Pelkey stated that reducing the Recreation Administrative Fees/Fund Balance is a way to cut some of the administrative costs and it could be covered through profit of programs or by the fund balance.  Mr. Favreau would have to decide where the appropriate place to cover the cut would be.

Mr. Galligan added that fund balance has been used every year since he began in 1995, although the last two years have been more difficult.  If Connecticut Studios does not bring in the revenue that is projected, the town will have to doing business differently to make up those revenues.

Councillor Bazzano voiced concern over the supervisors receiving overtime at the Town Garage.  Councillor Yagaloff also felt that supervisors should receive comp time rather than overtime.  As for the Recreation Department, that department will have to work hard to try to reduce their costs.  

Deputy Mayor Havens stated that the town is in extraordinary times and this budget maintains services.  No budget is ever perfect but Deputy Mayor Havens stated that he is happy with what has been proposed and feels the Council as a whole should support this budget.

Answering further questions from the Council, Mr. Galligan explained that he would have to go through each and every department budget to figure out where $170,000 can be taken from.  Mr. Galligan felt that it would be the Council’s responsibility to make sure the Board of Education brings the surplus they found back to the general fund.

Councillor Delnicki felt that the only way the fund balance can be replaced is by selling the surplus properties, including the Old Post Office.

Mayor Pelkey gave further explanations on how the budget was established and felt that although this is a tough budget year, he has all the confidence in the town employees to make this budget work.


17.     A.      (Continued)

Councillor Bazzano stated he would not be supporting the budget as proposed based on the revenue projections.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on the General Government Budget.  It passed on a Roll Call vote of 5 to 4 with Mayor Pelkey, Deputy Mayor Havens, Councillor Yagaloff, Councillor Hale and Councillor Favreau voting in favor of approval; and Councillor Delnicki, Councillor Bazzano, Councilor Prague and Councillor McCann voting in opposition.

        B.      Resolution Setting the Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2010/2011

BE IT RESOLVED that the tax rate of 28.34 mills be levied on the Grand List of October 1, 2009 based upon Total Revenues excluding current taxes of $19,262,492, which includes an appropriation from Fund Balance in the amount of $800,000 to finance total expenditures of $95,573,700 made up of a Board of Education Budget of $63,000,000 and a General Government Budget of $32,573,700, both of which have been adopted by the South Windsor Town Council and exhibits of which are on file in the Office of the Town Clerk for the Fiscal Year commencing on July 1, 2010 and terminating on June 30, 2011.

Was made by Councillor Favreau
Seconded by Yagaloff
The motion passed on a Roll Call vote of 7 to 2 with Mayor Pelkey, Deputy Mayor Havens, Councillor Yagaloff, Councillor Hale, Councillor Favreau, Councillor Prague and Councillor McCann voting in favor of approval; and Councillor Delnicki and Councillor Bazzano voting in opposition.

C.      Resolution Appointing a Rate Maker for Fiscal Year 2010/2011 and the Tabling of Same

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town council hereby appoints Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager, as Rate maker for Fiscal Year 2010/2011, and herby tables the same.

Was made by Deputy Mayor Havens
Seconded by Councillor Delnicki
The motion was approved, unanimously


17.     New Business (Continued)

D.      Resolution Appointing Betty Kuehnel (D) to the Personnel Board of Appeals and Postponing Consideration of this Motion until the Town Council’s Next Regularly Scheduled Meeting

BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby appoints Betty Kuehnel (D) to the Personnel Board of Appeals for a term ending November 30, 2012 to fill an unexpired term of Nancy Simonds and postpones consideration of this motion until the Town Council’s next regularly scheduled meeting.

Was made by Yagaloff
Seconded by Hale
The motion was approved, unanimously

E.      Resolution Authorizing Town Manager to Provide Chief Tyler with Benefits in Recognition of his Retirement

WHEREAS, Gary Tyler has served as Chief of the South Windsor Police Department for the past 23 years; and

WHEEAS, Gary Tyler has advised the Town Manager of his intention to retire as the Chief of the South Windsor Police Department effective June 4, 2010; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council believes it appropriate to provide the following benefits to Chief Tyler in recognition of his dedicated service to the Town of South Windsor

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes the Town Manager to provide Chief Tyler with the following benefits in recognition of his retirement:

  • Payment of any accrued vacation time as calculated by the Director of Finance;
  • Retention of his duty weapon, Sig P22OST serial number 6340595;
  • A final education incentive payment due on July 1, 2010;
(Resolution Continued on Next Page)

17.     E.      (Continued)

  • A life insurance policy in the amount of $25,000; and
  • An individual health insurance policy for Virginia Tyler until she reaches the age of 65.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council expresses its heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Chief Tyler for his 23 years of dedicated service to the Town of South Windsor.

Was made by Councillor Prague
Seconded by Councillor Delnicki

Councillor Delnicki made an Amendment to item one to read “Payment of any accrued vacation and sick time as calculated by the Director of Finance.”  Mayor Pelkey seconded the Amendment.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on the Amended Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

The Resolution to read as follows:

WHEREAS, Gary Tyler has served as Chief of the South Windsor Police Department for the past 23 years; and

WHEEAS, Gary Tyler has advised the Town Manager of his intention to retire as the Chief of the South Windsor Police Department effective June 4, 2010; and

WHEREAS, the South Windsor Town Council believes it appropriate to provide the following benefits to Chief Tyler in recognition of his dedicated service to the Town of South Windsor

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council hereby authorizes the Town Manager to provide Chief Tyler with the following benefits in recognition of his retirement:

  • Payment of any accrued vacation and sick time as calculated by the Director of Finance;

17.     E.      (Continued)

  • Retention of his duty weapon, Sig P22OST serial number 6340595;
  • A final education incentive payment due on July 1, 2010;
  • A life insurance policy in the amount of $25,000; and
  • An individual health insurance policy for Virginia Tyler until she reaches the age of 65.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the South Windsor Town Council expresses its heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Chief Tyler for his 23 years of dedicated service to the Town of South Windsor.

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on the Resolution; it was approved, unanimously.

18.     Passage of Ordinance

        A.      Resolution Restating Ordinance #188

WHEREAS, on April 5, 2010 the Town Council passed Ordinance #188 which amended the Building Permit Fees and made a technical correction to the definition of “Accepted Value”; and

WHEREAS, it was the Town Council’s intent to keep the remainder of Section 14-31 in tact; and

WHEREAS, certain sections of the original Section 14-31 were inadvertently eliminated

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Council hereby restates Ordinance #188 to read in full as shown in attached Exhibit D.

Was made by Councillor Favreau
Seconded by Mayor Pelkey

Councillor Hale explained that when this Ordinance was approved there were two items that were eliminated inadvertently and what this resolution does is add those items back into the Ordinance as originally intended.

Councillor McCann stated that he would not be supporting this amendment tonight because he is opposed to raising building fees as this time.


18.     A.      (Continued)

Mayor Pelkey called for a vote on this Resolution; it passed on a Roll Call vote of 7 to 2 with Mayor Pelkey, Deputy Mayor Havens, Councillor Yagaloff, Councillor Hale, Councillor Favreau, Councillor Delnicki and Councillor Prague voting in favor of approval; and Councillor Bazzano and Councillor McCann voting in opposition of approval.

19.     Communications and Petitions from Council (Continued)

Mayor Pelkey thanked everyone for their help with the budget and stated that he is hopeful that discussions regarding shared services can begin soon.

20.     Communications and Reports from Town Manager (Continued)


21.     Executive Session


22.     Adjournment     

At 10:49 p.m. the Meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council

Attachments:  Exhibit A, B, C & D